Creating Lead Magnets That Attract Your Ideal Customer

This is an article from The Business Boost & Build Newsletter.

It’s once a week and includes one tip from me and three resources from others.

Audience written on whiteboard with arrows

What Makes a Good Lead Magnet?

When creating your lead magnet content, think about the following:

  • Pain points and interests of target audience
  • Practical advice that will provide value
  • Focused on providing a solution to one problem
  • Short and sweet, make sure it’s engaging and interesting
  • Instant accessible – automated email solutions are available

Now that we know what makes a good lead magnet, let’s look at some common types of lead magnets.

Lead Magnet Ideas

When brainstorming ideas for a lead magnet, think about the following:

  1. A checklist, guide, or cheat sheet
  2. Templates, wireframes, or swipe file
  3. Video tutorial or walkthrough
  4. Scripts or proposals
  5. Software download or trial
  6. Toolkits or resource list

If you want to generate leads online, your business needs a lead magnet, and if you can get your lead magnet right, you’ll see great conversions.