6 Actionable Tips to Boost Your Landing Page Conversion Rate

This is an article from The Business Boost & Build Newsletter.

It’s once a week and includes one tip from me and three resources from others.

10 tips to boost landing page conversion rate

Your landing page is your money maker.

Most businesses and entrepreneurs focus on getting more traffic and page visits, but improving your conversion rate is an easy way to increase your sales.

Small Increases in Conversion Rates Can Have a Massive Effect

Let’s say you have an e-commerce website that receives 10,000 visitors per month and has a conversion rate of 2%, resulting in 200 sales.

The average order value is £50, so your monthly revenue is £10,000.

Now, let’s say you make some changes to your website and improve the conversion rate by just 0.5%, resulting in a conversion rate of 2.5%.

This would result in 250 sales per month, a 25% increase in sales.

Even though the increase in conversion rate is only 0.5%, your monthly revenue would now be £12,500, a 25% increase in revenue.

A small increase in conversion rate can have a significant impact on your revenue.

So, how do you improve your conversion rate? Here are my 6 actionable tips.


Keep Your Headline Clear and Compelling

The headline is often the first thing visitors see when they reach your landing page, it’s the most important part.

Encourage visitors to take action and speak in their language.

I’m not talking about English or Spanish - check through your testimonials or competitors’ testimonials to get an idea of the words they use.

  • Be specific and direct
  • Avoid jargon and acronyms
  • Use scarcity and urgency (psychology tricks)

Check out my twitter thread for more tips on crafting these profitable headlines.


Simplify Your Page Design and Layout

A clean and simple landing page will help you keep visitors engaged and push them towards taking action.

People don’t mind scrolling now, but make sure you have good use of white space and everything is easy to read.

I find wireframing or drawing the general structure of the landing page on a bit of paper helps.

Here is how I generally like to wireframe a landing page:

  • Header
  • Hero Section
  • Features/Benefits Section
  • Testimonials Section
  • Pricing Section
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Section
  • Contact Section
  • Footer

Pepper plenty of calls-to-action throughout, more than you think!

If you’re about make changes to your website, you might find my website checklist handy.


Optimise Your Call-To-Action (CTA) Buttons

Direct people towards taking only one action, otherwise you run the risk of confusing them.

I see this issue all the time, a landing page with three, four or even five different calls-to-action. All asking the user to take different actions.

It just overwhelms your visitors.

Use direct, action based language that is clear.

These are bad:

  • Click here
  • Submit
  • Learn more

These are good:

  • Download for free
  • Get your discount
  • Start your free trial


Add Social Proof and Testimonials

When you include testimonials or case studies from customers, it will create an emotional connection - and everyone buys for emotional reasons.

Emotional reasons for making a purchase:

  • Identity
  • Status
  • Fear
  • Pleasure

Read more about why people buy.

Testimonials build trust and credibility, which in turn help your potential customers feel confident about making a purchase.

Put them high up on the page, ideally near your calls-to-action.


Test and Improve Your Page Loading Speed

When I audit landing pages, the first thing I look at is the technical and structural side of the page.

You need your landing page to load within 1-2 seconds, ideally.

  • Minimise HTTP requests
  • Optimise images
  • Minimise CSS and JavaScript files
  • Enable browser caching

You can check Google Page Speed Insights for a comprehensive list of improvements.


Regularly Test Your Landing Page Elements

You should always be testing your landing pages.

It’s important not to do this just willy-nilly though, use data to gain valuable insights into what’s working for your landing page. Just because something is working for someone else, doesn’t mean it will work for you.

Test different variations of your landing page elements to identify the best-performing combinations. Try different offers, headlines and language.

Tools for data driven landing page testing:


Three Resources From Others

  1. Prompt Engineering Daily is a great newsletter showing you how to leverage AI prompts.
  2. HARO is a great way to get quoted by journalists on major media websites, sometimes with links!
  3. Learn how to build links a great podcast/video about link-building.